When Do Babies Stop Having Gas Pains? (+Remedies)

Kiran Verma

Written by Kiran Verma

When Do Babies Stop Having Gas Pains? | Symptoms of Baby Gas | Food that Causes Gas in Babies | Newborn Baby Gas Problem Home Remedy

Yes! Your baby also has gas and that’s very normal.

However, some babies feel pain, which obviously is not good. What is the reason for this pain? Sometimes, small bubbles of gas in the intestine of the baby result in pressure and stomach pain. 

Mostly, some babies are not disturbed by the gas, on the other hand, some babies could not sleep until they pass the gas. And, some baby screams in pain from gas. So, is your baby screaming in pain from gas?

All this makes you worried and think of, how babies stop having gas pain? What is the food that causes gas in babies? How to get rid of baby gas fast? 

A number of questions, isn’t it? Ready to find answers to all these in this article.  

When do Babies Stop Having Gas Pains?

I know, you just wanted to know when your baby is going to feel relieved from these bubbles in his stomach which even causes baby stomach cramps at night and day.

I’ll start with, when does this pain start? Some babies start having these gas pains right from the couple of weeks from his birth. While according to Parent Magazine, the baby starts having these pains from the 3-6 weeks of the baby’s age.

You really need to have patience as it takes time to cure. Further, in this article, I will tell you what are the symptoms, causes and remedies to cure this. 

First, the answer to your question, when do babies stop having gas pains? 

Some babies stop having this pain and discomfort at the age of 4-6 months. On the other hand, some suffer from gas pain quite longer. 

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Symptoms of Baby Gas

Here, I would discuss some of the symptoms that will let you know whether your baby has gas issues or not.

  • Being fussy and crying for an hour or day, don’t worry! It is completely normal because the digestive system of your newborn is still in the developing phase. However, if the condition does not improve or get worsened you should visit a doctor.
  • Being unhappy most of the time is the cue of an issue, that your baby needs some help. 
  • Sleeping and not eating are enough to cause any trouble. But the infant might also show other symptoms with gas, which means you need to see the doctor.
  • If you notice that your baby’s face turned red and looks like he is in pain.
  • Squirm with distress and pulling the legs to the chest is the cues, particularly during a fussiness.
  • Bloated and cries
  • Spitting milk
  • Farting often
  • You may also notice that the stomach of the baby is hard

Breastfeeding Baby and Gas

“Breast milk is liquid gold”

I completely agree with this and is definitely in favor of that especially for 6 months you should feed your baby with breastmilk. The goodness of breast milk keeps your baby healthy and fit. 

A baby who drinks breast milk encounters fewer health issues than the baby who does not drink breast milk. Above all, breast milk contains antibodies which help the baby to fight against the bacteria and virus. 

Therefore, you can see how beneficial breastfeeding is for the baby.

However, when a baby swallows too much air, the protein of the cow milk and the mother’s diet results in gas in the baby. Some of these might be spicy food, onion, garlic, peppers, and more.

Check this: When to Start Oil Massage for Newborn Baby?

Food that Causes Gas in Babies

Here, I would enlighten you with foods that result in gas issues in the baby.

  • Beans
  • Broccoli 
  • Cauliflower
  • Cabbage
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Bran
  • Apricots
  • Peaches
  • Oatmeal
  • Pears
  • Plums
  • Prunes
  • Citrus fruits
  • Diary products
  • Peanuts
  • Allergic food
  • Food which mother recently start eating
  • Wheat and corn
  • Caffeine

The major reason for gas is this food won’t break down instantly but takes time. As soon as you read this list, the first thing that comes in your mind is to cut down all this food from the baby’s diet, am I right?

But don’t!

Why am I saying this? That’s because all these foods are essential for the baby’s development. Because for the baby’s development and growth you should feed the baby with food that is nutritious and contains high fibers.

To add, not feeding a baby with nutritious and high fibrous food, your baby might suffer from constipation and other stool related issues. And, for your information, this is quite more serious than gas.

The reason behind producing gas is that your baby’s digestive system is not mature and ready to handle food. As a result, your baby might undergo constipation, gas, upset digestive system, etc.

Therefore, it is advised to not feed the baby with any solid food until he is 6 months old. 

But your baby is uncomfortable and in pain, I would advise you to call the doctor instantly. 

Newborn Baby Gas Problem Home Remedies

Here, I would discuss how to get rid of baby gas fast, basically, these are newborn gas problem home remedies. 

1. Try Some Massage for Baby Gas Pain

Massage has a number of benefits it strengthens your bond with the baby, helps in muscle and bone development. Further, it also moistens and soothes the baby’s skin.

You just have to choose the right oil. You can use coconut oil or olive oil to massage the baby. To be noted, the use of olive oil is not recommended regularly especially if your baby has cracked skin. 

Mustard oil is ideal to massage the baby to cure gas. After this, make your baby bathe in warm water. It is effective as it helps in the removal of gas from the baby’s intestine. 

To provide relief from the pain, you can massage the baby’s tummy or move the baby’s legs like a bicycle. This will help in releasing the trapped gas. Don’t forget to check the best massage oil for babies.

2. Time to stop swallowing air

As I have mentioned during feeding sometimes babies swallow air. To prevent this, while feeding the baby keep the baby’s mouth above the belly of the baby. This will result in not swallowing much air. 

If you bottle-feed the baby choose anti-gas bottles. You can also seek the advice of a specialist for an ideal latch during feeding the baby. 

For your convenience, you can use breastfeeding pillow, it will allow you to latch the baby to the nipple ideally. For this, choose a pillow that fits in your torso. Why? That’s because it keeps the head and torso of the baby close to the nipple.

3. Eructation

Burping is a perfect method to release the air. Hence, ensure to burp the baby during and after feeding.

Here, I would tell you how to burp your sleeping baby after feeding him/her. If you feed the baby in a semi-upright position, simply place the baby on your shoulder. Then, the coercion from your shoulder discharges the gas. Don’t forget to support the baby’s head.

Likewise, simply hold your baby in a completely upright position from the semi-upright. Keep the baby on your chest and support the baby’s head. This is the best sleeping position for gassy babies, especially if you are a couch. As in this position, the baby might curl himself like a frog, this will help in releasing the gas instantly.

Next, lay your baby on your arm at the 45° angle, this will keep your baby’s stomach on your arm. Don’t forget to support the head of the baby with the help of the crook of the elbow. Legs of the baby dangle on the sides of your arm. As your arm is putting pressure on the baby’s stomach, simply pat on the baby’s back, till he burps.

Here, is the other best sleeping position for gassy baby. Simply, sit and lay your baby on his tummy on your knees. To rock the baby, move the legs of the baby side to side. While rocking the baby, rub the baby’s back until he burps. Last, your baby can sleep in this position as long as you are sitting.

You can also watch this video:

4. Time to Feed

Feeding time enables the baby to release the gas better than not following a feeding schedule. 

After feeding the baby, wait for 20-30 minutes or till gas starts, then gently push the baby’s stomach. Don’t do it right after feeding the baby as your baby might spit.

5. No more crying

Yes, the baby swallows the air when they cry. The more the baby cries, the more he swallows the air. As a result, your baby has gas issues.

To stop the baby from crying, do whatever needs to be done like changing a diaper, feeding the baby, and more. Try to understand the cause of the baby’s crying, soothe him, talk to him and sing for him.

6. Swaddle the baby

If your baby is crying, you should soothe the baby instantly, calm the baby, and distract him, so that he stops crying. 

To provide relief to your baby from gas, you can swaddle the baby. This will limit the baby’s movement and the baby would feel relieved. In the baby’s crib do not put any blanket, stuff toys, and anything that could suffocate the baby.

While swaddling ensures that on the top, your 2-3 fingers should fit between the baby’s chest and blanket. Then, tuck the blanket beneath the baby, so that it would not cover the baby’s face. Don’t put anything in the baby’s crib that could result in suffocation like stuff toys and blankets.

7. Mommy, what is in your diet?

If you still breastfeed it might be possible that your diet is the cause of gas. Don’t be a doctor and not follow anyone’s advice blindly, simply contact your doctor. 

Ask questions, whether you should cut down on the food or what to do. 

8. Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea provides relief to the baby from the gas to some extent. You can simply mix it in the baby milk or directly give it to your baby with the help of the dropper. 

Ensure it should be cold or warm not hot as it could be harmful to the baby. However, ask yourself before actually giving it to your baby. 

Other Remedies to Get Rid of Baby Gas

1. Gas drops

First, I would start with, American Academy of Pediatrics, which recommends that gas drops are safe for newborns and most importantly, its inimical effects are rare.

Therefore, it is safe for your baby.

Simethicone gas drops help in breaking the large bubbles in the baby’s stomach into small ones. 

There your baby is relieved from gas.

Then, comes how to give it to the baby? That’s not tough though, either directly give it to your baby or blend it in the expressed milk.

Still, if your baby is already taking thyroid medication do not give him Simethicone gas drops.

If your baby is healthy but is suffering from gas if needed, you can give Simethicone gas drops to your baby up to 12 times a day. This could provide relief to your baby. 

2. Gripe Water for Baby Gas Pain

The herbs in gripe water are effective on gas. It contains fennel, ginger, which has a history of treating nausea and stomach gas. 

Other than these two, it also includes chamomile, cinnamon, liquorice and lemon balm. 

It not only helps in providing relief from stomach gas but it is believed that it cured colic too. That too is the cause of gas. Additionally, it cures hiccups and soothes teething pain.

You can even try this Ayurvedic Gripe Water from Mother Sparsh which has Saunf & Pudina.

Mother Sparsh Ayurvedic Gripe Water

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You find a number of gripe water, from the ones which contain sugar and alcohol to artificial flavors. As you know, too much sugar can result in tooth decay and the synthetic flavor is not good for the baby. 

Therefore, avoid gripe water with sodium carbonate if your baby has colic. Then, peppermint is bad for reflux issues. In short, avoid gripe water which includes, parabens, gluten, dairy, and vegetable carbon. 

To be sure, ask for the doctor’s advice. 

3. Probiotics

Probiotics are healthy bacteria that strengthen the immune system of the baby. It is also proven that it effectively cures the gas issues of the baby. To add, it is effective for colic too. 

To lessen the inflammation of the stomach and relief stomach, it includes lactobacillus reuteri.

The usefulness of the probiotics is not limited to colic and stomach gas but it is also helpful to cure diarrhea, infection, infant thrush, diaper rash, and more. 

Should I Call the Doctor?

Yes, gas can get severe when you notice symptoms like, 

  • When your baby, either is not pooping or giving bloody poops
  • Vomiting
  • If you find baby too much fussy and is not calming
  • Has a fever, the normal temperature of the baby is the same as of adult, 36.4C, it could have slight variations


Farting and stomach gas is common in babies as we adults go through. But as I said, some baby’s found tough to release the gas, if he doesn’t burp, introduced to a new diet and more.

However, if you notice that your baby has gas with other symptoms like fever, spitting up, and more. You should immediately contact the doctor.

You can try out all the above-mentioned remedies of course, before taking medication consult with a doctor.

Let me know what do you think is the effective way to cure baby gas problem? Share your experience in the comments below.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. All information is provided on an as-is basis. theBabyCart is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information on this article. The information, facts, or opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of theBabyCart and theBabyCart does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.

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