Is Baby Drinking but NO Wet Nappies? Baby Dehydration?

Kiran Verma

Written by Kiran Verma

Is Baby Drinking but NO Wet Nappies? | Baby Dehydration | 3-month-Old No Wet Diaper Overnight | Signs of Dehydration in Newborn Babies

Does your baby have a wet diaper in the morning?

If not, then what does it indicate? 

If you have no idea, what the no wet diaper in 12 hours toddler or baby indicates, then you should keep reading this article. It indicates dehydration!

Yes! Even your newborn babies and toddler have gone through the issue of dehydration, which is certainly not good for the baby. Let’s see, what does dehydration indicate and how you can cure it.

Is Baby Drinking but NO Wet Nappies?

As I mentioned above, no wet nappies of the baby indicate dehydration. In fact, no wet diaper is one of the signs of dehydration in newborn babies.  

The major question comes, how you can prevent dehydration, what are the cues and symptoms of dehydration, if your baby dehydrated when to go to the hospital, and more. So, if you are not familiar with dehydration in babies or toddlers then no worries. 

Because I’m going to discuss each and every aspect concerning the same. 

So, let’s start with the foremost thing that is worth discussing, how much is the quantity of fluid your baby and toddler should take.

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What is the Right Quantity of Water your Baby and Toddler Should Take?

What is the Right Quantity of Water your Baby and Toddler Should Take?

What is the right amount of water for the baby?

If it’s your first baby and you are confused concerning the right amount of water then I would like to enlighten you with the same. 

First, as your baby is 6 months old, you can give some water to the baby.

But how much? 

So, the baby of 6-12 months should drink 60-240 milliliters of water a day. Apart from this, your baby can have breast milk and formula milk. Generally, your baby can drink as much water as he wants and you should increase the quantity with an increase in solid food

Later on, as your baby turns into a toddler (age range between 1-3 years) he should have 4 cups of water a day as well as let your kid rely on solid food than breastmilk and formula milk.

Also check: 8 Best Sipper for Babies in India in 2020 (Baby Sippy Cup).

Further, the major question arises, even after drinking water, why there is no wet diaper in 12 hours of toddler or baby? Why 3-month-old no wet diaper overnight? Why baby has no wet diaper in 5 hours?

No wet diapers or nappies for hours, despite the baby’s age reflect the dehydration. For better understanding, you need to go through this table:

Table of Average Size & Time to Fill the Bladder of the Infant, Toddler and Child

AgeThe average size of the bladderTime to fill the bladder
Infant (0-12 months)1-2 ounces 1 hour
Toddler (12-36 Months)3-5 ounces2 hour
Child (4-12 years)7-14 ounces2-4 hour

So, you must have noticed one thing, that as a baby grows and turns into a child the average size and time to fill the bladder increases. Hence, the urine holding capacity of the baby/toddler increase.

I’m sure, you must be wondering, why this is essential to consider? 

This table is essential to consider as if your infant, toddler, and child does not pee or urinate, that means your infant, toddler, and child have dehydration issues. 

Hence, if you notice no wet diaper in 5 hours, that means your kid has dehydration. So, it is the first cue of dehydration in babies 1-year-old, less or more.

So far, I have talked about the one sign of dehydration in newborn babies and kids. But let’s look at the larger picture to understand the same in detail.

What are the Signs or Symptoms of Dehydration in Newborn Babies & Toddlers?

What are the Signs or Symptoms of Dehydration in Newborn Babies & Toddlers?

Apart from, no wet diapers, there are other symptoms that you should look after. Some of these symptoms I’m going to mention will help you to tackle the issue and work on it accordingly.

Signs of Dehydration in Newborn Babies

  • Less than 6 diapers in 24 hours
  • No wet diaper for 3-4 hours
  • Baby crying without tears
  • The urine of the baby appears dark yellow and is more concentrated
  • Sunken eyes
  • Cracked lips
  • Dry mucous membranes 
  • Dry and slacked skin
  • Baby doesn’t accept breast or bottle
  • Sunken fontanelle (the soft spot on top of head)
  • Listlessness (No energy or enthusiasm)
  • Too much sleeping
  • Fussiness 
  • Cold/discolored hands and feet 
  • Wrinkly skin 

Signs of Dehydration in Toddler/Child

  • Fast breathing
  • Not playing
  • Tired/cranky kid
  • Dry nappies/diaper for 6 hours
  • No wet diapers for 8 hours
  • Dry or wrinkled skin
  • Sunken eyes
  • Dry mouth
  • Fast heart rate
  • Constipation or hard or few bowels
  • Tearless crying
  • Cold and blotchy hands
  • Dry tongue or lips
  • Sunken spot on the top of the head
  • Sleepy kid
  • Dry and sticky mucus or lining of the mouth

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What are the Causes of Baby Dehydration?

What are the Causes of Dehydration

After understanding some of the signs or symptoms of dehydration in baby and kid, further, it’s time to discuss the culprit that causes dehydration. This will help you to keep your baby safe. 

So, here are some of the causes that result in dehydration in newborns and young toddler, 

1. Issues in Breastfeeding

Yes! Baby dehydration due to breastfeeding also contributes to dehydration. 

But how? 

Simply, an improper latch, not feeding the baby often or long enough along with breastmilk supply could be the reason for baby dehydration breastfeeding. 

Check this out: How to Breastfeed a Baby? (Full Guide!)

2. Issues with Bottle Feeding

Like breastfeeding, the bottle is also the culprit of dehydration if your baby or kid is not drinking enough milk/formula as well as if he is not getting enough. 

3. I Don’t want to Eat Mom!

Note the sign, is your kid eating like he used to do? 

No! Then ask him why?

As if your kid has a stuffy nose, pain during swallowing and sucking, he would most probably refuse to eat anything, even his favorite chocolate ice-cream.

If your kid is doing the same, you gotta solve the issue to enable your kid to eat. This will further prevent dehydration in babies 1-year-old or more.

4. Is your Baby Overly Exposed to High Temperature? 

You gotta stop roasting your baby in the high temperature under the sun.

I simply mean going out while the sun’s heat at its peak results in sweating and evaporation of fluid from your and your baby’s body. The only thing that you can do is to lessen the time spent under the sun else you can go out early morning or late evening.

Hey! look here: 9 Best Sunscreen for Babies!

5. Does your Baby/Kid has a Fever?

As we are very well aware, during fever our body temperature rises. That in return lessens the quantity of fluid in your and baby’s body. Also, due to fever, your baby might not accept the breast or bottle milk, which could worsen the situation.

Check out: 7 Best Baby Thermometer in India Reviews!

6. What does Vomiting Indicate?

Though, vomiting is very normal with a baby as it allows the baby to keep down additional feeding from their body. But on the other side, due to vomiting, your baby is losing essential fluids from their body.

Thus consistent vomiting can result in dehydration.

7. Hey! my Baby has Diarrhea 

Diarrhea could be dangerous for the baby as through bowel movement baby loses a high quantity of fluid and electrolytes. Also, it makes it tough to hydrate the baby through breast and bottle milk.

The risk further increases if diarrhea remains for more than a couple of days.

To be noted, if you notice signs of vomiting, cold, and flu, and more with diarrhea, you should contact the doctor instantly as it could increase the level of dehydration.

What are the Steps you Should Take at Home to Cure Dehydration in Babies and Toddlers?

What are the Steps you Should Take at Home to Cure Dehydration in Babies and Toddlers?
What are the Steps you Should Take at Home to Cure Dehydration in Babies and Toddlers?

Yes, there are few things that you can do to keep your baby/toddler hydrated if you notice any of the above signs of dehydration in newborn babies and toddlers. The foremost thing that should pop up in your mind is, what can I do?

So, mommies, now here are some things that will allow you to re-hydrate the baby or toddler.

Let’s see, what we have got for you!

  • If the baby dehydrated even after breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, simply follow the doctor’s instructions
  • Motivate your kid and avoid taking sugary fluids, such as juices, sugary soda, or if your kid has diarrhea then flavored gelatin
  • Don’t give any counter medicine concerning diarrhea to the baby below 2 years, unless the doctor asked you to
  • Don’t load your baby with a blanket, as this could heat up the baby. That does not only cause dehydration but also cause Sudden Infant Health Syndrome
  • Enable your kid to take proper rest
  • Breastfeed your baby consistently and often
  • If your kid vomits, give small sips of fluids to the kid, likewise, give small amounts of bottled milk to the baby if he vomits
  • Include clear soup, clear soda, etc in your kid’s diet, only if possible
  • Steadily increase the quantity of fluid and food of the kid, include veggies like cereal, strained bananas, and mashed potatoes in your kid’s diet as these also provide fluid
  • Don’t give aspirin but give acetaminophen (Tylenol®), if your kid has a fever or better consult the doctor first
  • Your doctor has recommended the electrolyte, this would be helpful
  • If you watch any major signs of dehydration, that means you need to call out the doctor
  • Keep the curtains and blinds of baby’s and kid’s room close this will keep the room cool
  • Enable your baby/kid to play in the pool or bathtub
  • Continue your kid’s regular diet including fruits and salads

How to Prevent your Baby/Toddler from Dehydration when Outside?

As I mentioned above, going out especially when the sun is at its peak could be one of the reasons for your baby or kid being dehydrated. Hence, it is better to understand, how you can keep your baby/toddler hydrated when you are going out,

  • Don’t keep your baby under 6 months under direct sunlight, also prevent keep your kid from direct sun as much as possible, specifically between 11 am-3 pm
  • If it is essential for you to go out, buy a stroller, pushchair with a sunshade as well as use sunscreen of SPF 30
  • The foremost thing you can do is to make your kid/baby wear light and breathable clothes
  • Make your baby drink cool milk often if you are out for a long time
  • Also, you can give your kid homemade lollipops made of plain water and very diluted fruit juice. Though, don’t depend on it more as it can cause tooth decay
  • Enable your baby to drink fluids

If I have to recommend, you should avoid going out during the afternoon or hot days, either go out during the evening or mornings.

How to Prevent Baby Dehydration? (Early Measures)

How to Prevent Dehydration? (Early Measures)

This section of the article is all about, how you can keep your baby hydrated and prevent dehydration. So that your baby and toddler don’t really have to go through the cruel symptoms of dehydration. 

So, let’s prevent it from happening!

  • If your baby is sleeping and it has been 2-3 hours, you should wake your baby to breastfeed or bottle-feed him
  • Keep the counts of the wet diaper of the baby, if you notice no wet diaper in 12 hours toddler or 3 months old no wet diaper overnight, etc. In short, irrespective of the baby’s age, you need to keep the counts of the baby’s diaper. This will enable you to notice early signs of dehydration
  • Don’t give your baby water between the feeding time. This will full the baby’s stomach and he won’t be able to get the necessary nutrients. Though, if it is hot, you can breastfeed or bottle-feed the baby often
  • During hot days or humid days, avoid going out with baby
  • Prevent your baby from germs by washing your hands and maintaining personal hygiene this will further keep your baby away from diseases, infections, fever, etc. That in return, prevent your baby from dehydration 
  • Feed your baby steadily if he has diarrhea, vomiting, etc
  • Include salads and fruits in your kid’s diet
  • If your baby eats solid food, allow your kid to drink plain soups, veggies, etc
  • Make your kid drink plenty of water
  • Include fruits, veggies, etc in your baby or kid’s diet that contains a high amount of water
  • Keep track of your baby’s weight and visit the doctor for proper check-ups

When Should you Call the Doctor?

When Should you Call the Doctor?

Dehydration could be life-threatening for your baby, and if you notice any severe signs of dehydration in newborn babies and toddlers contact the doctor soon. 

But! What are those severe signs of dehydration? 

Don’t worry, here are some signs, 

  • If your child has diarrhea for more than 8 hours
  • If your baby is peeing only 1-2 times a day
  • A baby is below 3 months and is suffering from fever
  • When your baby is neither breastfeeding nor bottle feeding well
  • Sunken fontanelle
  • If your kid vomits after two feeding uninterrupted 
  • Contact doctor if your kid is not recovering from the dehydration as well as becoming more and more dehydrated
  • If you notice cold and discolored hands and feet
  • Baby or sleeping excessively
  • If your baby/kid has wrinkled skin
  • If your baby is feeling faint, dizzy, weak, lightheaded, etc
  • Indicating any signs of the dehydration above mentioned 

Some of the Hospital Treatment for Dehydration or Preventive Measures Prescribed by Doctor is

Here are some of the hospital care includes, 

  • Rest
  • Checking of imbalance of electrolytes
  • Intravenously (IV) fluid is given
  • For fever, Acetaminophen is given
  • AAP recommends, oral rehydration therapy (ORT) to provide fluid and electrolyte to the kids who are being lost due to diarrhea
  • Pathophysiology helps in recovering the loss of fluid that is lost during diarrhea, fever, etc. 
  • Proper medication recommended by the doctor

When Should you Worry About Dehydration in a Baby/Toddler?

If your baby shows any of the symptoms that I’m going to mention, you should run to the emergency services as it could be dangerous for the baby/toddler,

  • Your baby’s/kid’s stool or vomit might have blood
  • If your baby/kid vomit is green in color
  • When your baby/kid’s condition, that is dehydration is not improving but worsening
  • Your baby does not pee in 6 hours and the kid does not pee in 12 hours
  • If your kid/baby has unmanageable pain as well as if he is not taking any fluid
  • If your baby/kid is not able to take enough fluids to fulfill the loss of fluid from diarrhea and fever
  • Contact emergency services, when your kid refuses to take oral rehydration solution, not even with a syringe
  • Either your baby would be very sleepy or irritable
  • Also, look out for severe signs above mentioned


So far, you have gotta know everything about dehydration from symptoms to treatment. Yet, let me be very clear concerning one thing, that is as soon as you notice any sign of dehydration contact your doctor and follow the doctor’s advice.

As dehydration is very common among babies and toddlers, hence, you gotta be careful.

Happy and safe parenthood!

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